Castle in the Air – Diana Wynne Jones

چاپ دیجیتال

داستان کتاب Castle in the Air دنباله‌ی رمان Howl’s Moving Castle، نوشته‌ی دیانا وین جونزه. این رمان اولین بار سال 1990 به چاپ رسید و جلد دوم از مجموعه‌ی «World of Howl» است.

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خلاصه‌ی کتاب:
Far to the south of the land of Ingary, in the Sultanates of Rashpuht, there lived in the city of Zanzib a young and not very prosperous carpet dealer named Abdullah who loved to spend his time daydreaming. He was content with his life and his daydreams until, one day, a stranger sold him a magic carpet.

That very night, the carpet flew him to an enchanted garden. There, he met and fell in love with the beauteous princess Flower-in-the-Night, only to have her snatched away, right under his very nose, by a wicked djinn. With only his magic carpet and his wits to help him, Abdullah sets off to rescue his princess….

قسمتی از کتاب:
I am a believer in free will. If my dog chooses to hate the whole human race except myself, it must be free to do so.

درباره‌ی نویسنده:
دیانا وین جونز، نویسنده‌ی بریتانیایی بود. اون برای سنین کودک و نوجوان کتاب‌های فانتزی و علمی-تخیلی می‌نوشت و در طول زندگیش برنده‌ی جوایز مهمی مثل ورلد فنتسی، کارل ادوارد و گاردین پرایز شد.

توضیحات تکمیلی


رمان، فانتزی، یانگ-ادالت

نمره‌ی گودریدز


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